
Joint Release of Administrations of member countries of RCC. Nature reserves. Gara-Yaz State Reserve

Date of issue: 27.12.2018
Catalog No: 1518-1523
Denomination: 2.20 M
Souvenir/small sheet size: 151x144 mm
Stamp size: 37x52 mm
Circulation: 10 000 souvenir sheets
Perforation: round hole, 13:13½
Designer: Anar Mustafayev
Artist: Narmin Abdullayeva
Printed by: Bobruisk Integrated Printing House, Bobruysk city, Belarus

Souvenir sheet of 6 (3x2) stamps.

1518. 0,2 manat. Picoides Scalaris
1519. 0,3 manat. True Thrush
1520. 0,6 manat. Lamprotornis Hildebrandti
1521. 0,2 manat. Sturnus Vulgaris
1522. 0,3 manat. Phasianus
1523. 0,6 manat. Upupa Epops