
Landmarks of Karabakh

Date of issue: 25.11.2014
Catalog No: 1180-1185
Denomination: 3.00 M
Souvenir/small sheet size: 94x95 mm
Stamp size: 28x40 mm
Circulation: 10 000 small sheets
Perforation: round hole, 14
Artist: Khasay Mirzoyev
Printed by: Belarusian Printing House Publishing Co., Minsk, Belarus

Small sheet of 6 (3x2) stamps.

1180. 50 gapik. Khudaveng Monastery Complex. 6th-13th cc. Period of Caucasian Albania. Kalbajar region.

1181. 50 gapik. Ganjasar Monastery. 13th c. Period of Caucasian Albania. Kalbajar region.

1182. 50 gapik. Malik Azhdar Mausoleum. 14th c. Lachin region.

1183. 50 gapik. Ashaghi Govhar Agha Mosque. 14th c. Shusha.

1184. 50 gapik. Allah Allah Tomb. 14th c. Barda.

1185. 50 gapik. Juma Mosque. 19th c. Agdam.