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The presentation ceremony of a series of stamps dedicated to Western Azerbaijan took place


At the initiative of the Community of Western Azerbaijan, with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport and Azerpost LLC, a series of stamps reflecting the history of Western Azerbaijan has been issued.

The theme of the issued stamps was chosen by the organizers with special care. Thus, on stamps consisting of 7 blocks, special attention is paid to ensuring that each theme reflects the political history, architecture, and culture of Western Azerbaijan.

Accordingly, the stamps depict a portrait of Huseyngulu Khan Sardar - the last Khan of the Irevan Khanate, a coin minted during the time of Fatah Ali Shah Qajar, the Sardar Palace, the Sardar Mosque, the Blue Mosque, as well as portraits of Ashug Ali and Ashug Alasgar, who are considered representatives of the Irevan school of Ashug.

In addition, one of the blocks is dedicated to the "The Capture of the Irevan Fortress" paintings made by the Russian artist Franz Alekseevich Roubaud in 1886 and "The Blue Mosque in Irevan" paintings made by the French artist Fredrik Dubois de Monpery in 1833. Thus, historical reality is reflected in the new stamps through ancient painting.

The stamp printing took place with the joint participation of Deputy Minister of Digital Development and Transport Samir Mammadov, Acting Chairman of Azerpost LLC Isi Mustafayev, Chairman of the West Azerbaijani Community Aziz Alakbarli and a number of other representatives.

The artistic part of the event was continued by a program dedicated to the music of Irevan.