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“Europe 2020. Ancient postal routes” stamps issued
Azermarka LLC, which operates under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, has issued new postage stamps within the EUROPA program. This year's theme of the program is “Ancient Postal Routes”. Three differently designed stamps depict a gasid (a post rider), as well as Azerbaijan’s medieval postal routes.
It is noteworthy that the gasid or messenger service established by Shah Ismail Khatai in 1501 paved the way for developing a nationwide postal system in Azerbaijan.
The stamps designed by Azermarka’s chief artist Vugar Ayyubov were released in the form of a souvenir sheet, two sheetlets consisting of 12 stamps each and a booklet of eight stamps. The stamps were printed in France by Cartor Security Printing CSP. Besides, 400 First Day Covers have been issued and put on sale.
It should be noted that the Europa stamps are postage stamps issued annually by the member countries of the Association of European Public Postal Operators (PostEurop) as a joint issue with a common theme. The Europa stamps are among the most collected and popular stamps in the world. The first Azerbaijani stamps issued within this program in 1998 were dedicated to the theme “Novruz holiday”.
In addition, PostEurop takes a vote on its website for the most beautiful 2020 Europa stamp. Voting, which opened on May 9, will continue until September 9.